Saturday, July 24, 2021

She's back and on horseback!

 We got Alexis back yesterday! 

Lily and I woke up early and trekked to Georgia to pick up Lex! Daddy wanted to go but he was {and JSU} selected for the Beautification Award so he had an award lunch that he couldnt miss!

So proud of him and his hard work!

Alexis just could NOT stop....and is still talking about how much fun and how much she loved camp! It was so good to hear all of her stories and see her smile as she was telling me allll about it! It was good to get an Alexis' hug also. Glad she's back home!

So to break up the drive, we decided to go horseback riding in the Blue Ridge Mountains!

It was wonderful! It was beautiful! It was so peaceful and calm and both girl's first time to ever ride a horse and they LOVED it!

We made a memory for SURE!

After, we grabbed lunch and headed home! It was a great day!

Meet Lex on Ike, Lily on Fancy and I was on Barbie! Our horses were perfect for us!

Barbie was the Momma. Her 'baby' horse, Shade, was with us ...but on another person {we had 3 other people on the ride with us that were together} Well, any time Shade would get out of his spot in line...or if the donkey {who followed us the entire was so cute and funny to have him with us...} would do something she didnt like, she would jerk around and snap at them. BOY,  I had fun trying to keep her going and not trying to boss everyone! Ha!

Lex was a little nervous....Lily...said...her dreams have come true! haha!

Such a nice ride! We rode for 2 hours!
Going up the mountain!
Lex and Lily on Ike and Fancy!
Alexis actually fell off Ike soon after this picture. We were going down an area and there was a mud hole and Ike's back leg slipped in it. He was amazing! He literally sat down and popped Alexis off on the hill to sit and then he got himself back up. It was so cool to see how he did. He was even extra cautious with Alexis the rest of the trip. If there was another muddy area...he completely went a different way and didnt go in it so he wouldnt risk slipping! He is an amazing horse! Alexis didnt get hurt at all. She was a little shaken just because she didnt expect to be off her horse but she was fine and said she had the best time riding....and that she even wants a horse for Christmas!
We walked through a creek! We were letting them drink. Lily was a pro!
SO fun!
We went to DQ for lunch..practically took a shower in their bathroom! ha! We all smelled like horse poop! ha! Came home....showered...and then headed to the Fritts for 'fairy hair' night!
The house was full and allll the kids loved hanging out together!
Lily getting her fairy hair!

It's the coolest! It stays in her hair until her hair falls out. I know...crazy! We came home and crashed...well except Alexis. Somehow she convinced me to let her spend the night with Sara Kate. So, she hasnt slept in her awhile!

We had a great and busy fun Friday!

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