Thursday, July 29, 2021

When you get your LOCKER!

 Last year Lex was so bummed to not be able to get lockers because of all the COVID restrictions but THIS year.............they are getting them!

It was always fun....way back when I did it get my locker and figure out how to open it and decorate it!

We went alllll out with our name it!

Well.........Alexis did not want to do all of that....until she got her locker...opened it and got really excited.

So, we will go shopping at some point and get some fun goodies to decorate her locker and make it cute! She wants shelves..........a mirror and magnet pictures and a marker board......that she has already named! :)

It cracked me UP to see all of them trying.....over ......and over..........and OVER to get the combination correct to get the lockers open!

It took Alexis several times...but she finally mastered it! ha!

And....guess who she is beside!?!?! Yep........SP! Oh my goodness......of everyone in her entire is him that she is beside................but it is....and it is adorable.............but I can guarantee neither one of them is going to speak to the other............the entire time they have them beside each other. It is just the oddest thing.........they both freeze....and just forget how to be a normal human around each other. It really is soooo awkward!  I told Alexis she better get over whatever weird thing it is and talk to the boy!
She is watching....slash he was helping show her how to do his..............though....they were not talking to each other! Missy and I just laugh at the weirdness! :)

Lex trying to get hers open. Im glad SP is beside her..............he can be her protector! :)

Alexis got her schedule so she is all set with knowing what friends are in what classes with her! She is super excited about school starting!

Lily is DYING to find out who is her homeroom teacher and what friends are with her! This year...she will switch classes so she will have all the teachers...but the students will be the same as who is in her homeroom class. She is busting to find out! Hopefully it will be in the mail to us soon!

Summer is winding down...and Fall is on its way! I have to say...I LOVE all things I am ready!

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