Thursday, July 15, 2021

This is the day...that the Lord has made! Lily gave her heart to God!

 Lily has had a big week!

She has waited two years now to get to go back to 'Science camp week' since last year was all cancelled due to COVID.

It was her very FAVORITE week that she talked and talked about for months after! Well this is the week and she has had the BEST time!

She has made all kinds of experiments and make gloop after glop after this after that! I have NO idea what all concoction type things that are coming home...I just know she is having a blast! ha!

She made her very on lab coat that they have worn every day! Well.....Lily has....she has wanted to wear it everyday! She loves it!

She said that she was the only one that put a 'button' on it! She is so creative!

Look how cute!

And this week she has gone to Hillcrest to Nan and Pawpaw's Church for VBS since we were at the beach for ours and has had so much fun! BOY....she was WORN out! On the way down to the final night, last night, she fell asleep! Between Summer camp during the day and this until late...she was done but had so much fun and loved dancing and singing!

She also made a HUGE decision this week also! She prayed for her salvation and is now a sister in Christ with Alexis and I! Our family is complete and we all know where we are going when that day comes! PRAISE!

So proud of her and cannot wait for her baptism coming up!

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