Sunday, July 11, 2021

Can you see that air....and nothing but blue skies!


 We had fun in the sun yesterday! The girls can not say we did not have a fun weekend....leading to today....where Tyler and I both asked for them to read (themselves, Alexis has not even started her Summer reading book ...........that she has to do an assignment/paper on) and Lily to things in her room so we can knock out our paper we have to write! So far............(and yes, I am doing this and not my paper...taking a break...) it is working out well! :) It was sunny and fun day with nothing but blue skies! Perfection!

These two were ready to hit the diving board and slide! We love the Piedmont pool!

Spot...two people up high?!?!

Tyler made his way down! I did it too...just no pictures of me! Lily and Alexis loved going down it...whether on their bellies...head name it!

Diving board skills! Lily was cracking me up!

Look at that air! His cannon ball skills were impressive! The girls can NOT say I didnt 'get my hair wet' skills were pretty good too! {Just no pictures again!}
Alexis was doing back flip after front flip after back flip off of it! Her courage grew this time!

We had dinner with this crew...sans kids and it was just what a Saturday night needed! The kiddos all enjoyed pizza and playing with a babysitter at the Messer's house so they did not miss us...including the twins! Misty just knew they would cry or not want her to leave........they were pushing her out the door! :)  ha! {they normally stay with grandparents so it was their 1st babysitter experience. They loved it!} :)

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