Tuesday, July 6, 2021

It's a pottttyyy allll the time!

 Whew...it is July!

Where has the time gone?!?!

We had the best little trip for the 4th so it is perfect that it is my first post for July!

We loaded up and headed out on Thursday to Pensacola (Gulf Breeze) to visit Mitchell, Britt, Kennedy and to meet baby Briggs! Oh he is so sweet and I so enjoyed holding him, feeding him...and watching him sleep because that is pretty much all he did while we were there. :)

Kennedy cracked us up the whooolllle trip! She has such an imagination! Some of the things she would say were just hilarious! We had to call her 'Bolt puppy' the whole time. She would correct us if we called her Kennedy. She loves the movie Bolt .....and he is a dog...so that is what her name was. Bolt puppy! ha! {I loved this because that was Alexis' favorite movie when she was little too. She watched that movie every second she could! We never had to actually call her Bolt though! :)

The funniest thing Kennedy said....was when she was carrying around the little toilet that they put on the boat in case she has to use the bathroom. She was holding it so Lily asked her to go put the 'Toilet over there so it can be loaded on to the boat.' Kennedy looked at her soooo serious and said...'It is not a toilet...it is a potty. It is a potty all the time.' The way she said it and her little accent..........we all just died laughing! 

So the rest of the trip....

we all kept saying... Its a potty all the time!

Meeting Briggs!

Savannah wanted to meet him too!

Baby Briggs! So sweet!

Thursday we headed down and had a fun lunch and shopped before heading to their house. We got there late afternoon so we just relaxed until bedtime.

The next day was Alexis' 13th birthday! We hit the jet ski and the boat!

Did some tubing!

They had a blast! Tyler knocked them off a couple of times. The last time Lily just wanted to ride on the jet ski. She was done with the tube!

Two girls living their best life!

 These two...were too cool for school..{to the right}...the other two...{to the left} thank goodness have not hit that stage yet and they were fun...and played and played. :)

Lily caught several crabs! She was SO excited!

 The two were two peas in a pod the entire time. They played and played and just had the best time together! Love seeing their relationship!

We loved riding the boat! Briggs first beach day! SO much fun!

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