Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our last days in P-Cola!

 We had a low key day on Saturday due to some rain. The girls played outside and enjoyed some of the afternoon while we cooked out and then we shot our fireworks since the 4th were would be gone to some.

It was a nice and relaxing day!

Oh...just lounging in the canal!

These two were a two girl band! Kennedy followed and followed Lily!

Time for some sun!

Oh they loved playing with each other

While Mitchell grilled....we all shot fireworks!

See.....we had a TON!

Then...we did the good ones when it got dark!

 Lily is literally talking with her eyes and as she was 'smiling'.........telling me to stop taking pictures of her. :)

Lily had a blast!

Then Alexis wanted to shoot!

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