Sunday, August 1, 2021

Wrapping up our 'last Summer' weekend with hot air balloons, a reunion and teacher letter!

 I allllwaayyss feel that after our last vacations happen....when I have to start buying school is just now Fall.

Summer is over.

Summer is gone.

I am ready to bust OUT allll the pumpkins and Fall decor....and soak up the Fall days and weather...and FOOTBALL! ha!

I joked with Tyler that when I got I was going to get up in the attic and pull down some of my pumpkin decor. He looked at me like I had twelve heads! ha! I was joking....kind of! :)

Once August hits....Summer to officially over too....

and today is August 1st!

So...Tyler and I had a pretty low key weekend. We stayed at home and did pretty much nothing...which was fabulous! I am recovering from my gum graft surgery so I am trying to follow doctor's orders and not over-do anything and eat correctly, ya know, that's been real fun! I am feeling good and adjusting to the way I have to eat for 2 weeks...and the swelling has gone down for the most part so I can talk a little it hasnt been bad!

Alexis and Lily went with Gran, Ben and Grey to Chattanooga to the Imagination Museum and then the hot air balloon show. They had a blast! That is all the girls have talked about since they have been home! 

They played and played! Love their bond!

Alexis was a great helper with him!
It was a beautiful day for it!
This is unique to slide in!

The balloons look beautiful!

They went up in this! All the way up! They both said it was so fun but Grey was scared! :) It was a memory for sure!

We got the girls and headed to the annual Law family reunion! It was a great time to catch up with everyone and the food was delish! I even could eat more than I thought!........... I just couldnt smile as big as I thought! ha! about NOT patiently waiting to find out who her teacher is going to be! She was sooo upset that the mail had not ran before she left yesterday morning...but as soon as I got it from the mail lady...I called her and today she finally got to read the letter! Mrs. Deven Smith is her teacher and she is SO excited! She is sad that she spelled her name with two 'L's' though....and said that Thursday...during 'Meet the Teacher' that she is going to tell Mrs. Smith that her name only has one 'L' :)

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