Sunday, August 15, 2021

Lily's Baptism!

 Today...OH what a day!

Our little family is complete!

Lily made the decision and gave her heart to Christ on July 11th at VBS when she went to Nan's Church, Hillcrest. 

She wanted to be baptized at our home Church and today was the day that the Lord rejoices and she has let everyone know her great decision! 

So proud of her and honored! 

Her Daddy ready to help out!

Look at this sweet girl!

We love Dr. Derek Staples. Such a wonderful man! Lily said she was so nervous! :)

So special!

Such a wonderful moment!


We came back to our house and then went to celebrate at Effinas for brunch! Such a wonderful day!
Love family coming to celebrate and support Lily!
Such a special day full of celebration and thankfulness!

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