Sunday, August 8, 2021

Their 1st ride to us...and the day Santa...was done...

 We had a low-key weekend and it was perfection! We stayed home all weekend and just relaxed and enjoyed being at home...and trying to soak it up before this week hits where we start going NONE stop with all things school and Fall sports!

We didnt see Lily hardly any Saturday as she wanted to spend the entire time in her room playing with alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

of her legos! 

Lily came up with all shorts of fun creations! She is so talented and creative with her legos! This one was part California...and part Alabama! :) One girl had the ocean...and all things beachy..{even a white fence, picket fence...because Lily remembered seeing a ton of those in California} then the Alabama side had a beautiful tree...and a garden and more green! I think she hit both states perfectly!

Then...............these two little nuggets rode allllll the way, on their bikes, to surprise us! I told both of them that each time they ride over to my house...they can have a fun treat from me! bahahaha! This time...I gave them a popsicle! :) Sweet Cassell said, 'Well, Mrs. Amber, the next time we come, I will bring you a treat!' I said..........perfect....but it has to be homemade from your Mommy! haha! 

Lily was so excited they were riding over that she hopped on her bike and met them to finish the ride with them. She had to ride a little further back and help Calhoun have a better attitude! Cassell rode just fine...Calhoun kept saying his legs couldnt go anymore! {I remember with the girls when they were learning to ride didnt take them long to get those strong 'bike legs' because they knew it would get them to their friend's houses! Calhoun will be the same way soon!} :)

It was dinner time when they came up so they came to the backyard with us and we ate outside while they jumped and was swinging.

WELL...............Misty was asking about our trampoline because she is thinking about buying the twins one since they sold their big swing set because they couldnt move it to the new home....

WELL.....................Tyler was talking alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about the trampoline................... SOON as he said.............'Yeah, I got that trampoline from Academy for around $300.00.......

YOU should have SEEN BOTH girl's faces! BOTH of them immediately was like {it was seriously like in the same tone...same TIME....} 'DADDY............thought SANTA bought the trampoline for us?!?!!'

INSERT...........oh my GOSH at this point! It went straight DOWN HILL from here.................

Brandon starts busting out laughing....and Misty goes 'Im so glad to get to always be a part of big moments of the Law family!' :) :) make it worse....Tyler goes... 'Well Lily, you've made it to at least almost 10!' 

There are just no words...

So Alexis starts spouting out.....all the....'I knew it!..........I knew it! I knew Santa wasnt real!'

Then Lily starts giving a 10 page list of allllllllllllllll these things that apparently she has had bottled up for the past almost 10 years of her life............... such as, 'I knew I heard Mommy tell Daddy to be sure and move Ella Jingle one time!'....and...I knew I saw that receipt that had a Christmas gift on it. Why would a Christmas, Santa, gift be on a receipt?!?!?!'.................................

you get the point.....

THANK goodness....Cassell and Calhoun were absolutely clueless during allll of this because they were super busy jumping and having fun on the trampoline...not paying a bit of attention to us....AND...Misty was making sure that they werent also! :)


I told both the girls.......................YOU dont DONT receive....

sooooo.....its going to be sad this Christmas when they dont get anything! :) :) :)

And....just like that....DONE... more believing....

No more little sweet kids.....its allll gone.

There just isnt anything else to say about it....

I am just going to continue to cry myself to sleep!

{For the record............I cant remember what age I started knowing/thinking that Santa wasnt real anymore....but I know one thing....I NEVER...NEVER said a word about it because it was always my favorite moment to wake up and feel the surprise and happiness.....and know how much my Dad...and Mom...enjoyed putting out the gifts and getting it all ready for us. I love Christmas..and all things Christmas magic.} 

We shall see how this Christmas goes....

now that Daddy has ruined Santa! :)

Look at these two cuties to rode all the way to see us! :) The picture just cracks me up! When they are older, I cant wait to show them this and just laugh at how kind of funny they look with all their helmets etc...ha!

Love these three!

They left not too long after we got finished eating and by this point it was dark outside so we enjoyed them popping over now that they live in our neighborhood so we drove them home and called it a night! Today has been Church...and not much else except laundry!....and this! :)

Lily and I curled up with {what feels like} a 40 pound cat all sprawled out on top of us watching Lego Masters. Appropriate show for Lily's weekend of Legos!

We start hitting the ground running tomorrow with alllll the practices....and allll the fun Fall things! We are buckling up! :)

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