Thursday, August 19, 2021 our 1st long week!

 Today is Thursday....we have made it so far!

We are surviving!

Tonight Alexis has her 1st volleyball game!

Along with that...........we got a text that the whole volleyball team is under 'exposure' as someone on the JV team has tested positive. Under the new guidelines.............since the students are masked, they do not have to quarantine. They only have to watch their symptoms and if they get sick...they must stay home....

soooo.....Alexis.........and the entire team.........doesnt get to miss their 1st game tonight!

It is thunder storming as I type this...and it is 12:30pm......the team gets to ride the bus together {oh I love this...allll the fun memories of my friends and I riding to our games. I am so excited for Alexis!} and it is down right FLOODING outside!

Goodness gracious I hope the rain slacks off in an hour or they can enjoy getting on the bus and going to their game.

Sometimes.......its always something........

but today was also picture day so I snapped a picture of Lex. Next week will be Lily's....but she has just been doing soooo good getting herself up and ready....with her clothes picked out on her own lately that I snapped a picture of her too!

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