Friday, August 13, 2021

Rocking and rolling!

 The last day of the first week!

This week is NOTHING compared to what next week will bring.

5 FULL days back at it for all 3 of us....and ohh....I feel it now....its going to hurt....

but....its that time and HERE we go!....again....

Lily said that yesterday was a great 1st day back! She said that she didnt have to wear her mask as much as she did last year so she was excited about that!

Alexis said she was excited to be with her friends in her class. She has more classes with her 'best' friends this year so she is happy....and likes her schedule as well....and said that she has mastered opening up her locker....

so both had a great day!

Today marked day 2!

They both were up and excited today as well!...............and its FRIDAY! Whoo hoo! :)

This was my '1st day!' Well....not really...JSU classes do not start until next week but this was the first day that all faculty and staff had to report back to work and be on campus. Summer is officially over! 

Masks................YEAH....they are back....and it stinks!!.....but I survived and hopefully it wont be long until we dont have to wear them anymore. We shall see!

This picture cracks me up! I look like I am asleep or something! {Which I was...Im tired!} :) ha!

Alllllll my classmates! ha!.......................actually co-workers! Here we are in our annual 1st meeting as a department. I love all my co-workers as we are the best department on campus! {really...we are!}

2nd day of school picture! I grabbed a picture before off she went this morning! I know...its 100 degrees outside.................just a loosing battle......she picks her own outfits! :)

Day 2 for this one! MY little girl anymore at all! She picks all of her outfits out now. No anything 'baby'.......she is wearing lip gloss and making sure I straightened her hair. Where has the time gone?!?!
Pray for us that we all transition into our full and busy that is when alll the fun will really begin! :)

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