Thursday, August 12, 2021

1st day of 4th and 8th grade!

 Today marks the first day of 4th and 8th grade! Both girls were up and ready to go this morning. No having to push them to get ready or anything! Both so excited!

I pray they both have a great year! They grow and learn so much and meet new, sweet, friends.

Here's to a great year!

They were attempting to drop their masks while I took the it would show them didnt turn out like I expected! ha!

An 8th grader....just wow!
A 4th grader! Wow too!
Another year...with a Pandemic...wearing masks....anxious about it all....but with HIS plan, they will do great things!
So grown!
Heading out the door!
Ready to go and give her teacher, Mrs. Smith, her 1st day of school gift! I 'soap' they all have a great year!

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