Friday, August 6, 2021

The DEBATE-mask vs. no mask, another year with COVID! goodness....

has it been a crazy town around here the last few days.......

I mean...


It is all just so very frustrating and just when I thought COVID would be gone and we would be more like normal and the kids would have a school year where they were back to having a normal classroom with no masks and just fun learning.....

all changed last night.

An emergency Board meeting was called.

They opened it to the public to come and share your thoughts for or against the kids wearing masks at school.

People have gone crazy in this town!

OHHH.....the Facebook posts................ OH............things that have been said..........

just mind blowing.

The most mind blowing thing of all....

The Board listened to the recommendation {all 25 minutes of it including videos,etc} of the Superintendent.......

and then VOTED.....

before hearing ANY of the community who took time out of their day to sit the whole meeting.....prepare what they were going to say {because they only had 2 1/2 minutes compared to the Superintendent} but didnt get their voices heard.

Why is the School Board there?!?! Isnt it to hear the community and be a representative of the community and strive to do what is best for the students/kids?!?!

Why open the meeting to the public? Why allow them to come and voice their opinions? Why have everything they had in not hear anything that was said before they voted?

I was not there....heard alllll about it on Facebook....but watched the meeting and I have to say...I am so disappointed. 

Out of respect, the Board should have let the community speak {because they did tell them about the meeting and tell them to come and voice their thoughts} and took what they said into consideration before making a vote.

Several of the people who came and were selected to speak were so angry that they literally had just witnessed a decision made in front of them before they were able to speak were so mad. And rightfully so. 

I understand the Board wants the best interest for the students....

I do get that...

but the parents should be the ones that get to make the choice if their child is going to wear a mask or not especially since there is no data that masks actually work...that it affects children...and the list goes on.

We had Orientation last night {during this Board meeting} and there was an elementary school FULL of parents and kids.......some were wearing masks...........which is fine, that is what they feel they should do and did what they felt...........and some not wearing masks................which should be their decision because it is their right also. 

It worked just fine last night to be in the school...with how people chose to do....

but come next week.........

the kids are going to have to wear a mask....all day...every day AGAIN...for another school year.

Another year...{as they have made it like the decision is not going to change}

So, it is crazy to me. 

Last night...there were WAY more people not wearing masks than wearing masks.

The biggest thing that the Board said at the meeting as I watched it was that the teachers dont have a say and we should do it for the teachers.

NOT one teacher ......or Principal wore a mask last night.

So, if they are making this decision because of them....wouldnt you have thought the teachers would have been wearing a mask last night.....??????............


All the other county schools....Weaver, Alexandria, Saks, Piedmont, PV, etc........are not making the students wear masks. 

Just Jacksonville.

So....anyways...I am off my soapbox. 

I am tired of all of this and just want people to be safe and do what is best for them and let people live their lives. 

So, here we go....another school year!.........

Oh my goodness there is so much on Facebook. 

I thought this was interesting...a nurse...who I know that works in Georgia.....posted this on her account. This speaks volumes because people truly think...that if you are not vaccinated.....that you have the plague or something.

That if you are wearing a mask...that you are crazy....

It is just sad, to me, how the world is affected by all of this and how it is dividing and causing hatred and all out fights by people. 

I had another friend on Facebook do a 10 page {I am exaggerating but it was really long} post about how she was SO mad because 3 people unfriended her and that she was going to message them and 'give it to them' for unfriending her.................... yet she is the person who constantly posts on her page about if you dont wear a are going to die type posts. I get it....her posts drive me insane half the time too....

This has been a big post that has been shared A LOT on Facebook especially since how the Board meeting went last night.

 And....then there has been this post!.......

I pray my girls have the best year yet....even with all the crazy and uncertainty that is coming with it. We made it through the last school year with a good note in our mouths so I have no doubt this year will be the same. I just hope that they dont start cancelling events like last year and pep rallies happen, etc.... so we shall see!

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