Thursday, August 5, 2021

Meeting Mrs. Smith and volleyball program pictures!

 All things Fall are gearing up! We had meet the teacher night and Lily is BEYOND excited about seeing who all will be in her class!

She was dressed to a 'T' and READY once I got home!

She actually wanted a photo shoot before we we took some pictures by the beautiful flowers in the back yard. The rain really has helped all the flowers this Summer!

This girl is going in to the 4th grade! Just cannot believe it! Love her with allll my heart and cannot wait to see what this year holds for her learning and growth!
Meanwhile....Lex had her volleyball program pictures! She got her jersey at pictures/ I just snapped a quick picture since I was  not able to get any 'official' ones until they have actual 'real' pictures of the team coming up in a couple of weeks!

SO excited to have her as a teacher!

Checking out her desk! Since 4th grade is just toooo big to have parents walk them into school on the 1st day...I went ahead and took a picture of her sitting in her desk! ha! :)

Lily is rather sad that she only has 2 'friends' in her class......but she has 2 good ones..and I know she will get to know more in there! At least she has Lauren and Riley to be with!
And she saw these two crazies in the hallway. Oh these girls!

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