Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Our Summer is winding down!

 It is getting down to days.....until our Summer break is over...

and I am 100% sad about it. 

I enjoy the less hectic Summer days....and an extra day off.........but I do love Fall...and all things Fall knowing we are going into that......helps!

So...since we are counting toward the end of our days...we have been trying to make the most of what we have left. I got off early yesterday so we spent the afternoon working on Alexis' locker before she had volleyball practice.

We back this morning and she put her notebooks in there! Poor thing...I had to show her how to 'stand up' the notebooks. She was so confused! First time locker girl right here....trying to learn and figure it all out! She has her locker combination down....for the most part! I think she is good to go next week!

We took advantage of my off day strolling through the Anniston Museum! It has been so long since we had been that we enjoyed seeing everything. MY was 'Momma...what is that??....what is the name of that??....where does this live?!?'.............that I was about to lose my mind! ha! BOTH girl asked me 10,000 questions instead of reading the plaque right in front of them. Finally....I had to just tell them STOP asking me and READ. Finally....peace :) :)....and it was AMAZING what all they READ and learned about each item. We all enjoyed it!

This was Lily's favorite spot. She loves rocks and stones and 'treasure!'
OF course....a bear picture!

And...last and best picture yet! I informed Lily...that she peed...right here in this spot....years ago....and she died laughing. She forgot about this happening and just could not believe she did that! ha! I told her that I am going 'back in time' on my blog to find when that happened. Stay tuned for a circa post and date on when that was! ha!

We had a fun lunch before coming home and watching movies before having to take Alexis to volleyball practice. Its been a good day.

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