Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday night lights is BACK!

 Oh how I love Fridays!...............and my most favorite is football Fridays!

Today marks the 1st my book...because last week was an away game and just doesnt count! :)

Today is the first home game and we are so excited!

We had an EARLY morning! Alexis had to be at school by 7:00am so we were up early and ready to go!

My two Golden Eagles!

Lily and Alexis, both, were excited to wear their navy and gold.

This was my car bright and early! The pep rally was supposed to be in the afternoon but thanks to some parents begging to have the pep rally in the morning time so it wouldnt be so hot....they changed it!

So, that meant an early morning but at least we didnt die of heat during it!

The cheerleaders at their 1st pep rally of the season!

Alexis and her crew doing their thing!

Alllllll the students!
The 8th graders! Goodness it is crazy that I have an 8th grader! They WON the spirit stick! They were cheering and peppy! Proud of them!

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