Sunday, August 15, 2021

The best invention EVER!

 We had a low-key weekend but....let me tell was one of the BEST and one that goes down in the memory books!


1st up...reason 1.......LOOK at this baby!

Tyler built this for me and it is the BEST! I dont know why we havent had this made years ago! ha!

I am in LOVE!

What is say!?!?!

THIS! makes me happy! I have not been happy with our laundry room.....ever...and NOW it has met its potential! :) 

No more seeing litter boxes....and hopefully helps with smell and dust! day ever!

Lily had Ryker's 10th birthday pool party! She had a blast swimming and being with friends!

And today.....reason number 2.....BUT MOST important....Lily was baptized today! She enjoyed opening her little gifts from us! A beautiful cross that has her baptism date on it and then a new Bible!

It deserves its own coming next!

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