Monday, October 25, 2021

A FULL fun day Sunday!

 How much can go into a Sunday...........

well.......... a bunch!

Alexis had her 1st cheer comp! They placed 3rd! It was a comp where they received a lot of feedback so hopefully it will benefit them well come regionals to State!

Waiting on the awards ceremony!

Way to go girls!

 Lily had a blast at Callie's 10th birthday swim party for a little bit before we had to leave to head to Bham!

Taking advantage of the hot tub!

Then at Lana's we all ate and celebrated Nannie turning 85!

My most favorite people ever on this planet!

Lily was thrilled to spend time with Hank and Reese!....and OF COURSE her favorite person Margie!
Baby Reese and Hank! Soooo adorable! This is only the 2nd time they have been around each other! to get allll these kids to take a picture. To not start crying...or moving...or leaving...trying to get them to smile...sit still...........HARD work! :) This is the best there was....and that's after a billion attempts by a bunch of people! 

Always a great time with this crew!

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