Monday, October 18, 2021

We unplugged!

 We got to Destin, 30-A, Santa Rosa beach {area} .....around 1:00 Wednesday and headed straight to meet the Messers for lunch at Shunk Gulley. It was amazing as the last time we ate there! Their shrimp and slaw....amazing!

We spent the rest of the day hitting the beach before coming to the house and enjoying hanging with the neighborhood friends before bed!

Thursday we were up bright and early and out the door! We hit the beach...and the pool allll day and it was perfection!

They were soooo excited to be twins!

Living the good life!
We got cleaned up and headed to Old Florida Fish house and the atmosphere and food were amazing! LOVED it!.........and isnt too far from PCB so when we go down in the Summer, we can trek there for dinner! So good!
Love this picture!
Sweet friends!
Friday...was repeat! Beaching and pooling it!

Camille and Lily were SUPER excited to find this cute turtle! Madelyn.....was not! bahaha! She was scared of it! :)

Living the pool life!

Twinning again! Sitting in the golf cart waiting on us to leave for dinner!

Grayton Beach was delicious too! Loved the outdoor area and the atmosphere! So good!

This is what happens when Chris takes a picture.....he puts a mustache on me! :)

The group after dinner!

Us adults hanging out while the kids played and played!

Saturday was our last day and we did the same....poooolllll....timmeeee!

Then beach time! The girls had the best time just hanging out and chatting...having fun together!

We got to witness a wedding and a beach vow renewal. The girls were just sooooooo into watching all of them! ha! SOOOO....much so that they begged us to renew our vows....more pictures to come!

We watched football....cooked out and the kids with the neighborhood kids played a scavenger hunt on our last night! It was alllll perfection! We got up Sunday morning and came back to the real world!

Camille and Grace were a team and came in first! Alexis and Izzy were in 2nd and then Chase, Madelyn and Lily were 3rd. I hate that its a blurry picture but they had a blast and were way tooooo busy to stop for me to take a picture!

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