Friday, October 29, 2021

Bloody eyeballs and green brains...with pumpkins night!

 I think this is going to be a new tradition!

We had a great afternoon and night with family over to eat dinner and then had a pumpkin carving contest!

We had a great time!

There were a TON of food and then it got competitive during the carving especially with Tyler being the judge! :)

Everyone enjoying the Halloween dinner! We missed Brandi and Pawpaw!

You MUST have green brains and bloody eyeballs or your arent living for a Halloween meal!
Daddy and Lily made a Halloween dip dessert! Notice eyeballs in it too! :)

It may be gross looking...but oh so delicious! ha! :)

The crew in full competition mode! This is the very first year that Alexis and Lily, both, completely did their pumpkins by themselves!

 Daddy started helping and getting the pumpkin ready for Lily....until she said...NOPE...she wanted to do it all by herself! And then she did! :)

Showing off what they carved!

They were all so good!

Alexis is super proud of hers...especially, she said, the mouth and 'how neat' hers was! :)
Lily worked super hard on hers! She was a busy bee! She even added a special touch with using toothpicks and making her pumpkin's tongue stick out! She received first place too!
Love our porch with all the pumpkins!

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