Sunday, October 3, 2021

AU beat LSU!

 We had a low key weekend and it was nice! I had a chance to catch up on all the things...'at home' that I havent been able to do since we have been bouncing from one sport game to this to that and then the next. It was nice to have a full weekend just being home.

I got all the Halloween decor done yesterday. It was a beautiful day so deep cleaning and putting out decor was perfection!

Auburn played LSU so we enjoyed the game with the Messers over to eat too! We had allll the food. A ton! Some new recipes that I have been wanting to try and glad I was able! All delish and will be in my stack to do again! {Insert...mexican hummus!} YUM! They left around 9:30 and I crashed. Woke up to Tyler telling me Auburn WON! ha!

Today our Church was supposed to have a big outdoor event and Church outside but since it has rained all day it was cancelled so us Law's have literally been in our pjs all day and have just curled up and relaxed! We had family movie time by watching Hocus Pocus which is one of our MOST favorite Halloween movies! 

Its been a great weekend!

This is the only picture I got! These three...and Alexis was standing beside me and didnt get into the picture were loving making smores! They all four played and played and jumped and had a great night!

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