Monday, October 18, 2021

Fall break 2021!

 This is the first year since the girls have been in school that they have had a FULL week off for Fall break! They also get the full week, still, for Thanksgiving too! Nothing changed in terms of 'taking away' other holidays....soooo...

we made the MOST of it!

We took OFF!

We unplugged.

We had a blast and it was sooo niiiice!

We left early Tuesday morning and did this the entireeeee half of the day! It was an overcast day so I didnt get to lay out in the sun like I had planned but I enjoyed sitting in the indoor pool area and watching the girls swim! Here they were diving in and trying to beat Daddy to the other end of the pool! {He still beat them!} :)

Showing off their cheer skills!

The POLAR PLUNGE! I dont know why {well I do but....} the outdoor pool is always pretty chilly. They recycle through their water with a filter so it never has a chance to really warm up so it was cold!! They decided to take the challenge and go down the slide and then run back to the warm indoor pool!

Alexis went first and I bet the entire hotel could hear her yelling as she went down because she was so cold!

Tyler's face cracks me up that I snapped! He said it felt like little needles pricking him as he went down the cold slide! ha!

And then calm and collected acting like it didnt bother her! :)

Then we decided to get some what cleaned up and go for a quick dinner and then to a movie until.....

we ran into this girl! They decided to come down and always hear us talk about how fun Auburn is....and knew we were they came and we were surprised! Sooo.....they were heading to eat, though they pretty much just got we went with them and then spent the rest of the night chatting and the girls swimming in the indoor pool. The girls were in Heaven getting to be with them and didnt want to leave Wednesday.............though we were headed to the BEACH! Stay tuned! :)

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