Saturday, October 30, 2021

Halloween is in the books!

 This year....

both girls ditched us.

It wasnt like past Halloweens...and I have to say..I am okay with that!

I manned our candy station. One girl went with her friends and they met up with more friends and walk around {like they were cool} :) And then the other girl went off with her friends and had parents....but tried to ditch them but enjoyed getting all the candy and having so much fun! Tyler stayed with me for a little bit and then was off watching the Auburn game and then the Brave game too! We capped off the night by having allll the Halloween goodness at the Sorianos before crashing to bed! It was a perfection of a night because the rain stopped...Auburn won...and so did the Braves!

All the things! 

Friday at work we had our Nursing 'Fall In!' It is always a great time with the students and then theres the the things too!

Love these ladies

 Graham cracker for the win! 

Of course Soccer was a hotdog!
The Graham cracker, Marshmallow, chocolate and the fire! :)

 On a different planet! ha! :)

Out of this world....alien! :)

The aliens!
The Mom crew! :)
The Mom crew times quadruple!
Alll the kids...and this isnt even all of them! It was the first year that I didnt cook a lot and it was kind of nice to just enjoy the craziness...ha! :)

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