Monday, October 18, 2021

Our vow renewal!

 I have always wondered about vow renewing....

you know...why do people do it...

should it be done...

I want to do that...

no, that's not needed...

per only do it if you 'have to' because you are starting over essentially because someone did something 'wrong'.................

soooo....who knows the reason....


it may not be 'official' but...we had a pretty dang good priest to help us renew ours!

The girls begged us to do it since they were allll about watching the wedding and the vow renewal so...

it was fun!

A memory made....for sure!

We had the best time and it counts in my book that we renewed our vows! :)

Lily decided she wanted to be the flower girl.............or............sand girl.....and then she was done and went back to playing! ha! She and I walked out to 'Memories' by Maroon 5 {which is one of my most favorite songs!...and we made memories for sure!} 

So...Lily was throwing the flowers....errrr...sand.....

Then Alexis wanted to be my maid of honor....and soooo did they both did it! ha! Camille is holding my bouquet! :)
I LOVE this picture....because in this EXACT moment.... Madelyn goes.... 'Do you, Mrs. Amber....take him {as she is pointing to HIM} to continue this marriage?!?!' {I was dying laughing!!!}

And then I tossed my bouquet!.....Camille caught it! bahaha! We cut the music back on...and danced off! It was fabulous!
Chris and Emily were next up and it was just as funny and cute! ha! So fun!

 Our family picture with a beautiful a newly vowed couple! :)

The BEST memory!

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