Monday, October 11, 2021

My Church and lunch buddy and a hotdog!

 Yesterday after Church Lily and I had lunch together....just us.....and then did some errand running to soak up the beautiful day!

Alexis had Youth where they went to lunch and then did a scavenger hunt. She had a great time and didnt get home until 5:00ish....and so she was gone pretty much the whole day. Tyler enjoyed relaxing at home/taking a nap while Lily and I had a fun day!

She looked soooo grown so I snapped a picture. Lex wouldnt let me take one of her.........

We may or may not have bought some items that we reallllly did not need.......such as the pumpkin socks for Soccer! He looked SO cute in them and Lily has matching! .........but they wouldnt stay on this paws.....he kept shaking them off! ha!

And...this is soooo cute on him! Yeah...we basically just bought Soccer a ton of useless stuff...but it was fun! ha!

It says 'Bad to the bone!' It is supposed to be for a dog but Lily thought it was just perfect for Soccer! ha! You should see him in it. It isnt tight or uncomfortable or hinders him from walking but for whatever reason he skips...or it looks like he is skipping...with it on. Like he doesnt know what to do with his legs with it on! It is soooo funny! Then he'll just fall over. Then he would lay there for a minute..try to bite it off and then get up and try and walk but would skip again. We laughed so hard!

This was more his speed. It just goes around his belly and neck. It was hilarious to see him in it also! ha!

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