Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Lily's day!

 Today Lily had her MRI and MRA to check to see if we can figure out the ever mystery of the red spot on her eye. 

It has been the strangest of things how we have puzzled essentially 3 doctors with no outcome as what it is or why she has it but now have moved to a neurologist and these two doctors really seem to want to get to the bottom of the puzzle so Lily was ready to get it all done today!

We got to B'ham a little early and her day was MADE when The Learning Express was opened when we pulled up! I had to drag her out but then we hit some more shops in perfect timing to grab an early lunch and make it over to Childrens.


She did a great job during it all. She wasnt expecting an IV but once the initial surprise went away...she was fine and enjoyed watching High School Musical {her pick} while getting her tests ran. 

Praying for good results and hoping to figure out everything in terms of if her eye spot is connected to headaches that she has been having. She is ready for answers too!

Her DAY MADE! She could not wait to spend the rest of her birthday money!

She's a trooper! The lab Tech lady said she had to pull out the rest of her 'Fairy hair'..........and that made her super sad as she as loved that in her hair since she got it back in July! So....yeah, that wasnt fun but I assured her that I am going to try and get the 'Fairy lady' to come to our house and have another 'Fairy hair' night! She's pumped! :)

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