Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Leader in Lily!

 Today Daddy and I were cordially invited to attend Lily's 'Leader In Me' conference that was held by her and not her teacher, Mrs. D Smith.

It was a student led conference where Lily told alllll about her accomplishments thus far in 4th grade as well as her goals and so on!

Tyler and I enjoyed getting to hear all about what she has been up to in school....Lily enjoyed the fact that her Daddy got to check her out for the rest of the day after! ha!

When we walked up...she was helping direct all the parents on where to go and sit!

Then...she spoke before it began too! It was parents only invite so we were excited to finally get to go inside the school since all the COVID restrictions!
Lily and her Daddy!

Lily and me! :)

Lily showing off all her hard work!

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