Friday, October 29, 2021

What the heck....I shrinked!


its THAT time!

THAT time that both girls get just....I dont even know how to describe it! ha! They cant wait to see how much they have grown in  6 months time!

Alexis was up first! So much concentration! 

Notice!......Im still standing TALL! :) :) She is soooo come 6 months....oohhhh...we shall see!

Daddy played a mean trick on Lily! He 'measured' her...and then when she stepped away...his 'pencil mark' was lower than where she was the last time. She looks at it and goes... 'What the heck?!?!!???....I shrinked!' OH my goodness we died laughing! bahaha! Tyler couldnt control himself laughing so hard! {And..Lily knows I dont like her saying that word!} :)

They always have to sign their name! :)

Lily...officially grew more than Alexis since the last time we measured! Tyler looked and Lily is taller than Alexis was at the same age! Lily is catching up for sure!
I just had to take a picture.........because this my favorite! OH the sweet memories. We looked it over...and the 1st time we measured...Lily was 3!!!..............And..........below the fridge section! So little! :)

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