Monday, March 11, 2013

Can't believe it...

I can't believe it, it can't be true, no way, just can't be........Lily is 18 months this week!
I might as well say that I for sure no longer have a baby.....but instead an 18 month old who thinks she is just as big and old as her almost 5 big sister!
Lily still tries her hardest to keep up with everything..and I mean everything Alexis does. If she sees Alexis doing something...or has something, then she has to also!
Lily has gotten really good in the past week or so by pointing to her body parts! When I say "where is Lily's nose?"...she will point to it and say nose! ....and then "where is Lily's eyes?" and she will point and say eyes! ....she points to her belly, ears and mouth too (but hasnt mastered saying those yet!) :)
Lily's vocabulary is picking up tremendously now! She is pretty good about copying things I say to her. For example, last night Tyler and I took some pictures of her. Well, she didnt want anything to do with it! I kept asking her to come over and lets take a picture. Well...she kept saying no! Everything I asked her, the response was no. (That is becoming her favorite word) :(    So, I finally got her into the rocking chair and I said "rock" Lily. Well, I thought that would make her be still.....but no, she kept rocking and saying "rock" the whole time!
She is getting picky with her eating habits lately...and if she doesnt like something or want can NOT get her to even try a bite. She will clench that mouth closed and arch her face away from you!
She becoming little miss stubborn too sometimes! Daddy and I are trying to "nip that in the bud" quickly. (so far it isnt working.....)
She is starting to really get into watching cartoons and she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I have to say, though, not as much as Alexis did at her age...but nonetheless, she still loves Mickey!!
She loves princess slippers also! I use love to watch how cute Alexis was at this age walking around in them with her tiny little feet, now Lily is doing the same thing! It is soooo cute!
Lily has cut pretty much all of her teeth now. (thank goodness!!) there are a couple that hasnt come through yet. Alexis didnt have near as many as Lily at this age.
Lily also has started dancing more! She is getting pretty good, and I think she is going to be a ballerina too! Happy 18 months sweet girl, we love you!

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