Friday, March 8, 2013

In Common

What does a chicken, "Mr. Dean's List"..and "what was I thinking??".....have in common?! Our week!! It is Friday and we have had a busy week! We have had the Consignment sale going on this week! Nan has been helping work it and keep a watch out on all of our clothes. I think overall we are doing okay...we just have soooo much clothes! :) But hey, whatever our total is, that is more than we had! Just have to be thankful! :)
We have had tee~ball this week, Awanas, time at the Park with Daddy, dinner with Family, Book study, shopping and celebration this week. This is our last week with the "old" time change. I am excited that next week it will be dark at 7:00 now! Lily will be going to bed when it is still daylight outside! HA!

We went to Zaxbys Tuesday night for "kids eat free" night! Zax the chicken was there! The girls actually wanted to take a picture with him!! Lily CRACKED me up the whole time we were eating! She would get a bite and then while she was chewing she would wave at Zax. She waived....and waived..and said hey probably 1,000 times!

NO, no, no, NO, NO and NO!! What was I thinking!?? I bought these because 1: They were on the clearance rack, so I thought "WHAT A DEAL!" 2: because I thought that they were cute and "stylish" and that I would be "stylish" if I bought them! 3: Again...they were on the clearance rack! :)
BAD idea! why!? 1: I have to realize ....come to terms...that I am a 30~ something! NOT a teenager!! 2: I didnt try them on at the store...I know...I never do, I hate it. I always think everything fits...well, once I did actually get them buttoned.......if I would have bent over or walked there would have been more holes and tears in the back by my bottom than in the front! 3: Again, I am a 30~something.
I put these on, and immediately thought....there are WAY toooo many rips and holes in these jeans for me....or anybody to be wearing!! It was ridiculous! They are going right back to the store! 

What was I thinking here!?....Yes, yes, YES, yes and YES!
If you know me...........then you know my obsession for cucumbers! I dont know why, but I LOVE cucumbers!! Well....thank you World Market for this fabulous drink! As soon as it was popped open, you immediately get the cucumber smell. Close your eyes and you are in summer time and just relaxing! I could not get over how it tasted JUST like cucumbers! EXACTLY! It was sooo refreshing!

And...Mr. Dean's List! Sooo proud of Brandon for making the Dean's List at his school! We all got together at Cracker Barrel to celebrate his great job! It was good to eat and catch up with everyone! We are so proud of you Bran!

Mom, Lily and Ben. Ben got to meet Lana, Vic and Meagan for the first time.

Lex and Meg!

The Aunts and Lily!

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