Saturday, March 2, 2013

Where's Waldo!??

Despite the snow falling...Alexis and I had a great Saturday together! Just me and her doing some shopping and then Anna's birthday party! Alexis' little friend in her class, Anna, had her fifth birthday party at Imagination Place in Gadsden so we headed to do some shopping before the party. That seems to be the "cool" spot to have parties. We have been to several, but Alexis loves to play there so we always enjoy going! We FROZE because it was sooo cold outside and with it snowing but we didnt let all of that stop us from finding some cute boots and clothes. I cant even say how ready I am for warmer weather!!
We are ending the night with yummy barbeque baked chicken, homemade mash potatoes and corn on the cob....and movies! Tyler and I were talking earlier how our home is just so warm and cozy inside with it being so cold outside. Our old house in Birmingham was always cold! We could just never get warm there. We are loving our cozy home while it snows all it wants to outside! :) (Hey, it is the little things to be thankful for!) :)
We are visiting a new church in the morning. This church was the church that Pawpaw and his family grew up in. His Sister, Minnie is coming into town to preach/speak there! I am looking forward to going!

I bet you cant find Alexis...........where's Alexis??.....I dont know, I cant figure out which person is her! :)

Old Navy mannequins are always a hit with her! She cant get over how real they look! ha!

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