Monday, March 4, 2013

"When I get 5 Mommy"

"When I get 5 Mommy, I will be able to braid hair."... "When I get 5 Mommy I will be able to throw like that."... "When I get 5 Mommy, I will be able to pick that up and it wont be heavy." If you havent gotten the picture yet....this is what I have been hearing A LOT lately from Alexis! This girl is soooo ready to be 5 years old! She just can NOT wait to start Kindergarten...and ride the school bus. She thinks that when she turns 5 she will be able to do all of this "cool" stuff that she cant do now with her not being 5. It hasnt been helping that all of her friends at school are turning 5. We have been having birthday parties galore and at every one she asks how much closer her birthday is! She has told all of her friends about her birthday being a "Little Mermaid" pool party! She asks me daily how much longer it is until her party. Well, tonight was her first tee~ball practice. Well....we had to pass the pool at the Community center where her birthday party is going to be! She was sooo excited to see it and said "Mommy, my friends are going to have so much fun swimming at my party!" :)
Tonight we got to meet her team mates and her coach! Her coach is a young single guy who used to be a JSU football player! I think that speaks so much of his character to me that he is taking his time that he could be hanging out with his buddies to help teach these little kids how to play! That is sooo great to me! I think we are going to have soo much fun playing! Alexis is the only girl on the team. I was hoping that there would be at least one other girl for her...but that is just life and I think she will be just fine with all boys because she plays right in the middle of all of her friends that are boys now!
Her team name is Struts and they are red and black! We start practice every Tuesday until games start in April! We are going to be putting another thing in our busy week...and I cant wait! :)

Look at my precious...cute...adorable...little tee~baller!! :)

She smiled the whole time! :)

see smiling again...! :)

And look at my cute little "owl"!.........she wanted to be right in the middle! ......Alexis' coach brought his dog...and Lily would not stop saying "dog" "dog" "dog" the whhoooole time! She finally just took it upon herself to go over there and started petting the dog! (the dog was the sweetest dog!)

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