Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Friday

Happy happy Friday! The weekend is here! whew! This week has gone by pretty quick at least but we have been busy. Tyler has not felt well this week but Lily has though! (Thank goodness for Lily!!) We have had the same routine of dinner at Aunt Pam's, Awanas, bible study etc this week. Baseball and softball season has started this past week too! I loooove to go to games and enjoy the nice weather. We went to the JSU vs Georgia Tech softball game the other night before we dropped Alexis off at Awanas, well it started off as a nice afternoon...but as soon as the sun went behind the stadium, we started to freeze! We left the game quickly...but looking forward to going to more games this season when it starts warming up more! Alexis loved to watch the girls play. I was trying to teach her how the game is played while we watched so she will start learning since Monday starts tee~ball practice for her!! We cant wait to meet her teammates! She is going to be on the team called Struts chickens! :)
Alexis spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw last night and went with them to the Easter village sale in Birmingham today! Nan said they had a great day shopping and Alexis wasnt scared of the Easter bunny when she got her picture made with him. It was weird for us to not have Alexis with us last night...and to not put her to bed! We missed her, but I am pretty sure she had more fun with Nan and Pawpaw! She hasnt spent the night away from us since we have been in our new house! And tonight we enjoyed some goooood Mexican food with Mom and Ben because tonight is Friday, and I am not cooking! :)
We have a busy weekend coming up...even though it is supposed to snow! ( BOO)...I am ready for warm weather!!

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