Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tee~ball Tuesday!

Well today was the first official practice...where they "got down and dirty!" (literally because last night it rained and the field was still soaked!)
They all seemed to be having a great time! It was soooo cute watching them hit the ball and then run to first base. Several forgot to drop their bat...several forgot to run...several ran, and just didnt stop! Alexis ran to second base first and then made her way over to first base! Alexis (when she wasn't in "another world") did a great job! She was more interested at some points to stare at the sky or find flowers growing in the ground! :) Oh me, this is going to be interesting!
I was glad to see that there actually are two girls that came tonight that is on the team too! Just so happens one of them is Alexis also! So, both my Alexis and the other Alexis kept hearing their name alot! ha! Also, Alexis' friend Leland is on her team too! Alexis was so excited to see him! She went running up to him saying hello!...and asking where is Marshall, and Anna! (She thought all her other friends from her school were going to be coming since Leland was there!) ha!
Tyler and I just don't know what we are going to do with Lily while practice and the games are going on! She would NOT stop trying to run right smack in the middle of the field. She would not sit in our laps...and as soon as she could get away from us, off she ran to where all the other kids were! (the team....yeah, the team that was practicing....yeah, with bats and throwing balls!)  :) I think we are going to have to get her on a dog leash and tie it to my chair! ;)

All the Dads warming up with their kiddos!

Coach DJ...and the Struts "incredible chickens"....at the end of practice, they all put their arms in and screamed "GO incredible chickens!"...........it was WAY too funny!

Alexis hitting a home run! :)

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