Sunday, March 3, 2013

This is what....

Can I please have a moment of silence for our sweet fish Sweetie.....thank you! Now that we have gotten that out of the way for respect of our late fish, I will explain. This morning Tyler yells into the bedroom where I am that Sweetie was laying on his side and not moving! Well....I (hoping that it didnt mean he was dead) said...."Well he is just sleeping!" So, Tyler precedes to get a knife from the drawer and sticks it in the bowl, only to realize that in fact Sweetie was dead. I actually shed a tear over that fish because I was just so proud that he lasted as long as he has with us! ( 6 months!!) ha! I worked hard to keep him fed and happy...and every weekend I cleaned his bowl for him! In fact...I spent 30 minutes yesterday cleaning his bowl...only for him to die. (He could have lasted the week since I worked hard on it!) :)
Sooo we debated on what to do to break the news to Alexis when she woke up. first...suggested we just leave the bowl and water and she wouldnt know that the fish wasnt in there! ha! Well, then that was decided that that was just dumb, so he said he would just "break" the news to her. Well, when she came into the kitchen, he sat her in his lap and said "Alexis look into the bowl..what dont you see?" haha! So she looks at me confused...while I am wondering where he is going with this!!...and she says "Where is sweetie? She is just laying down at the bottom." and then she looks..and says "Where is Sweetie??" So, Tyler explains that she fell asleep and didnt wake up. (I was expecting a massaive amount of crying at this point)...well, Alexis just smiled and said "Thats okay, she is in Heaven with the other angelfish and we can get a new one that is orange!" So, that went well! ha!
**I think Sweetie died of confusion if you ask me because the fish was a "he"..but Alexis was bound the and determined it was a "she" and called him a she! :) .....and the fish was a Beta fish, but Alexis was determined it was an Angelfish! (I have no idea where she got that idea from!) We will miss Sweetie whether it was a boy or girl...or a Beta or an Angelfish!!
We have had a low key Sunday. We had snow flurries again this morning but it has stopped now that it is the afternoon! We went to Pawpaw's church where he grew up this morning. It was a really small church..but it was really neat to be there and know that is where he grew up with his family! With it being small...there was NO nursery or anything needless to say it was an experience with Alexis and Lily! Alexis was okay during it...but Lily would NOT sit still! I finally had to take her out and God really heard my prayer because I rocked her in the back room of the church  for a few minutes and she fell asleep! :) So, I got to go back into the Sanctuary and listen to Pawpaw's sister Minne tell her testimony! We all went to eat lunch after and when we came home it was perfect time for afternoon naps! ahhh!! :) nice Sunday....

This is what Daddy does with his time before he has to get ready for church! Oh me...he had to try on all of his Turkey attire to make sure it fit just right and that the straps were just right...and the face "turkey makeup" was applied just right on his face!

And...this is what the girls did before time to get ready for church. They thought Daddy's blow up Turkeys were they "fed" them their Easter eggs! ha! I laughed sooo hard!! (I think that this is a better use for them than sticking them out in the woods!) :)

Now ready for church! :)

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