Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday!

We have had a great long Easter weekend! OOHHH....I have to go back to work tomorrow! :( Why does time fly when you are having fun!?!?!......
We have ended our Easter fun today. We have had a lot going on with Easter stuff and we are tired! :)
We went to church with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi this morning and enjoyed the Easter service at their church. After church we all went to eat at Top O' the River and then went over to Nan and Pawpaw's house for a little while after so the girls could open their Easter baskets! They LOVED their baskets. Alexis got a jewelry box and is obsessed with it! :) Since we have been home this afternoon...she has carried it around. She has put everything from her her "make up" little trinkets she has in it!
She came up to me and opened it and said "Mommy, I have my make up in here...would you like some "skeeara?" (mascara!) I loved how she called it SKEEara!.. it was sooo cute!

Opening their baskets!

One of MANY of Lily's silly faces that she makes! :)

The only time lately that you can get her to be still long enough to take a picture...give her food!

The family Easter picture! :)

Sweet girls in their Easter dresses!

Brandi and Alexis...and ALOT of wind! ha!

Alexis got silly string in her basket...and her and Pawpaw used it on Daddy!!

Meet Lily....yes her name is Lily....but she pants like Littleman (the dog!)....!
She gets sooo excited seeing Littleman and Trixie! she kept saying "Trixie...Trixie!" (she said it soo good too!)

Pawpaw and his girls.....playing "Ride a horsey!" 

And.....when we got home BOTH girls ....and Me and Daddy....took a LONG ....nice nap!! was sooo nice! :)

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