Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's that time!..... is that time. 2 things....2 BIG things to Lily (that Mommy doesnt like) having to go this week!
When Alexis was around this same age Lily is now, we decided it was time for her to stop sucking her thumb. She was a GROSS thumb sucker! :) She looked cute doing it....but if you were any where around would get soaking wet! She sucked her left thumb ALL the time...and while she sucked her thumb...she DROOLED very....very....very....badly! She would have drool coming down her arm and dripping off her elbow ALL the time. Yuck! :) The front of her clothes would always be soaking wet too. It was sooooo gross! I tried everything to get her to stop sucking her thumb. Everything from even putting nasty tasting finger nail polish on her thumb! Well, she got used to the taste of it and would just keep on sucking with it on it! I would get soooo mad at myself when somehow that stuff would get in my mouth! It tasted absolutely awful and would pucker my mouth and make me squirm sooo fast! haha! But, Alexis didnt mind anything I tried because she wanted her thumb!
Well, about the point that I was just going to give up trying to get her to stop....I painted her finger nails one night a pretty pink color! Well...the girly girl that she is...LOVED IT! SO MUCH LOVED it that she STOPPED sucking her thumb all by herself because she didnt want the paint to come off! Needless to say...I kept that finger nail polish on her nails for a while..but it worked! I just could NOT believe how she just stopped....stopped...stopped!...all because she wanted her nails that color! Every time I think about it, it still just surprises me so much!
 I will never forget when Alexis started sucking her thumb. When she was born up to when she was 3 months old...she didnt take a paci or suck her thumb! NOTHING! I thought I was in the "clear" with her that she wouldnt need anything! Well...I remember this like it was yesterday! It was her very first day at her daycare. I was going back to work from being off for maternity leave with her. Her teacher asked if she sucked her thumb or if she took a paci that morning when I dropped her off. Well, I told the teacher "No, she doesnt suck her thumb or anything." I kid you lunch time I get a picture from the daycare sent to my work email that says...Alexis saw the other kids sucking their thumbs so she tried it and loves it! I just couldnt believe the picture..especially after I had just told them that morning that she didnt do anything! From that day on....her thumb and her were inseparable! :)
Well..onto Lily now! Lily loves her paci! She isnt as bad as Alexis was about her thumb but she is close! We dont give Lily her paci except for nap and bed times right now.(when she was a baby we gave it to her all the time)..unless she is really cranky or we are going on a car trip! :)
Well, once Lily gets a paci...she does NOT let it go! She will clinch down on it and you just can NOT get it out of her mouth! When we are in her room, every time...she will get her paci from her crib and go running with it so I can not get it! ha! It is so funny watching her get it from her crib through the little bars. She will maneuver her blankets..and her toys...and work that paci to her! is time for the paci to go! We may have some long nights..and car rides coming up....but it is time! And the other thing...drinking her milk WARM. Little missy will not drink milk cold. She refuses! It has to be warmed or she will have nothing to do with it! (Talk about a PAIN when we are out at restaurants!) this week....we are working on this too! BOY, talk about a big week! :)

Alexis sucking her thumb. She was exactly 1 years old this day in the picture!

This picture was taken about a week before she stopped sucking her thumb! :)

Lily at around 6 months old with her paci!

Lily and her paci

Sleeping sooo peaceful! :)

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