Sunday, April 7, 2013

Red~neck weekend and birthday bash!

We have had a great but busy weekend! Yesterday was Alexis' first tee~ball game! OH...I dont even really know how to describe the game! ha! I guess the best way is....utter MASS chaos! Really....chaos! ha! Needless to say....practice on Tuesdays are vital now! But...I mean, I know...they are playing tee~ball....they all had fun and that is what really counts! But none of them knew what they were doing! ha! It was soooo funny to watch! They would all go running after the ball (at the same time)....tackle each other to get the ball (their teammates)....and then not really know what to do with the ball once they got it! ha!
Lets talk about batting shall we!? Alexis did SO good hitting the ball! is the funny part! :) She would hit the ball (really good)...but then she would take off running to second base!! EVERY TIME! ha! Everybody would be yelling for her to run to first and that would kind of confuse her more so she would just stop running and stand where ever she stopped! Again, it was really funny to watch! But like I said, it is just tee~ball and they all had fun.............and there are a lot more Tuesdays for practice! (thank goodness!) :)
While we were at the game the weather was perfect! The back of my neck got SO red! After the game we came home to rest for a little while and then we headed to a JSU Spring soccer game! It was so much fun...and the girls had so much fun.......and my neck go more red! :) So, Tyler called me a "redneck!" So, after the soccer game we headed to Oxford to do some shopping and had Mexican for dinner! To match my "red~neck"....we had some redneck experiences while we were out and about! :) When we were leaving Target....Tyler wanted to head down to a small little shoe store real quick. Well, both girls were in the Target buggy...and it was just easier to keep them in we pushed the Target buggy (the BIG red buggy) into Rackroom shoes! (a tiny shoe store!) I sooo really felt like a redneck! And then on top of that....after we got finished eating we headed to the mall. When we got to the mall we realized that Lily's diaper leaked. Well...I didnt want to sit outside with her while Tyler was in the mall...and I didnt have any extra pants (I know...I know) (note to self) (lesson learned) we ran into Sears with Lily (and NO pants!) Talk about another "redneck" feeling moment!! :) We went into Sears because I felt nobody would see us (that I knew) (what does that say about what I think about Sears! ha!)....and bought her a new pair of shorts to wear so we could go through the rest of the mall!! Oh the memories we make! :)
Today we enjoyed a special time with Nan and Brandi! We had a birthday bash for them since Brandi's birthday is tomorrow and Nan's is on Tuesday! Tyler grilled steaks and fried some shrimp in his new fryer! I made corn salad, cole slaw and baked ranch red potatoes. We had cheesecake for dessert after we sang happy birthday! It was a great time celebrating two big birthdays! :) We have had a great weekend!!

The team! The "incredible" chickens! :)

Here is what I was talking about in this picture....mass chaos! 

Look at her go! :)

She hit the ball so good every time she got up to bat! ---Running the bases...not so much! :)

This picture CRACKS me up! I think she got tired of watching everybody tackle each other..and she wanted no part of it! ha!

future soccer girl!?

Watching the JSU soccer team!

They may get dirty playing tee~ball and soccer...but they both sure do know how to clean up well for church! :)

When did she turn 25?!! She is loving her new sunglasses she got on our shopping trip!

Daddy likes his new "toy"...his fryer!

Happy birthday Nan!!

Happy birthday Brandi!!

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