Thursday, April 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday ~ 09-13-11

I am going to combine post today since Lily will be 19 months this weekend! She is just growing up WAY to fast! I thought I would do "For a look back in time"...the day Lily was born! 09-13-11!....and also her milestones here lately too!

So, the day was 09-13-11. I woke up from a night of pretty much no sleep because by that point in my pregnancy....I just could not sleep because I could not get comfortable and I snored.....or so Tyler would wake me up (if I did happen to get comfortable enough to fall asleep) and tell me!
I headed to work, just like every other typical Tuesday. I had my every week check~up appointment to visit Dr. Damrich to check and make sure everything was clear sailing with my "bun in the oven" still............which it was, so I headed back to work to finish out the day.
I was feeling fine ALL day...Dr. Damrich said everything looked good, so I was good! I was counting down the days until I would get to meet my new sweet little one!
Tyler was in Anniston visiting his parents and Turkey hunting because he was off of work because he was about to start his new job. The ONLY day that he was away from me....the whole pregnancy!! (by the way!)
I got off work and headed to get miss Alexis from her school! When I picked her up...I realized I was STARVING!! So, even though it was 4:30 in the afternoon, Alexis and I went to Jim~N~Nicks to get some dinner. Well we were enjoying our meal when all of a sudden I got a small pain on the left side. Well, I didnt think anything of it because I was focused on my food! Well, about 10 minutes later...I got another one. Well this time it hurt more so I had to stand up for a minute. Well about that time the waiter guy came over and I wish I had a picture of his "I think this girl is about to have a baby in my booth" look! So we finish our meal and head home.
I get home and start getting more "pains". Well, I start getting more and start thinking this could be something more than just me eating to much food for dinner so I decide that since Tyler is not home that I should go over to Mandy's house (our neighbor) just in case I need her! Well......needless to say.........I NEEDED her! I start getting MAJOR ...bad, hurting contractions.
But, I just think that I will be fine, no big deal...especially because I had just seen my doctor THAT day...and I still had a little over 2 weeks before I was suppose to have a baby!.......and not to mention Tyler was in Anniston!
 I call Tyler and tell him what is going on...and he even tells me "oh you are okay, I am on my way to Birmingham!" ha! ....So, Mandy is panicking for me! ha! I remember just telling her over and over...I am fine, I am not having a baby....I am fine! Well, finally she goes "GET IN MY CAR!!....I am taking you to the hospital or you are going to have the baby in my house!" Ha! So..I go back to my house and grab some of my things and we head to St. Vincents! On the way there Mandy calls Tyler and tells him that it is for real...and to head to the hospital!
Mandy could not drive FAST enough! It didnt help that we were right in 280 afternoon stand still traffic! She was darting in and out of cars....and in between me trying to not scream and cry loud during contractions to not scare the three kids in the backseat who had no idea what their mommies were doing! ha! OH was crazy! My water her car...on top of everything!
So....we make it to the hospital (finally)...and I somehow drag myself to the nurse's desk to tell them that I need help because I am having a baby! They got me a wheelchair....and the rest is history! About an hour later...alot of pain and crying...and wondering where my doctor was...and why I had to answer all of these stupid nurse questions.....Lily was born! :) She was so tiny and beautiful!
I was so wired from the whole experience...that I did not sleep a wink the night I had her! I was just still in shock,I think, of what all had happened from earlier in the day! Tyler did make it to the hospital to see her born...along with Gran, Vic, and Aunt LaLa! :) It was a very special day that I will never forget!!

~Lily is still obcessed with wearing other people's shoes! She can take hers off really put the other pair on!
 ~ She is becoming very independent! She has to do everything by herself!
~The word NO is used pretty much every other word she says! (She has gotten in trouble at school and home on multiple occasions for saying this word!!)
~She has started telling me when she poops. It is soo cute! She will come up to me and point and say poo poo! I dont think she is going to be hard to potty train...and she may even potty train herself like she has done everything else! :) (fingers crossed!) :)
~She is starting to put more words together. Just today she came running to me and said "Mommy, ba~ba" (which means she wants something to drink!) (she calls her cup a "ba~ba")
Happy 19 months sweet baby!

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