Monday, April 15, 2013

It is done! is done, it is official.....she is officially a Kitty Stone kindergartner!! We have enjoyed our day today with 4 shots, shopping, lunch with Daddy and popsicles! ~ okay maybe not so much the 4 shots part but for sure everything else! I was sooo proud of Alexis,though, because she didnt shed one tear when she got her shots! In fact...she laughed while she was getting them! She said it didnt hurt because she brought Blondie.....her new dog! :)
We did some shopping..which is always fun! We went into the Quality Shoppe (which is a Prom dress/wedding dress store). Alexis was in heaven! She loves ALL things sparkly and bright! She walked through that store like she owned it! She looked through all the racks! She told me the dresses that she thought was really pretty! The lady behind the  counter gave her a book with all the new dresses in it. OH you would have thought it was Christmas! The rest of the day she has been playing "store". She will tell me what sizes she has in each dress I like. She will tell me if she needs to order it or not. AND...all of her dresses so far have been only two dollars! (I like her store!!) :)
We met Daddy at Momma G's (per the request of Alexis since she LOVES there) for lunch and then now we are relaxing at home by watching TV and coloring and playing. Ahh...only if everyday could be like this! :)      ----minus having to do things like register Alexis for kindergarten that requires me realizing how fast my girls are growing up!! :)
Alexis and I finished our day together by watching Brandon play his softball game at Woodland park! It was a great night for some ball! I hadnt been out to Woodland Park since I was in school! It brought back some great memories of me playing! I miss it!

Blondie made everything ALL okay! :)

Ohhhh...before I know it....this will be her standing up there during her Senior year! :(

You dont have to tell this girl to eat when she is at Momma G's! She looooves the Mommas Love!!

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