Thursday, April 25, 2013

Throwsback Thursday~Alexis' first bike ride!

We have been enjoying this Spring weather that we have been having here lately!........even despite the rain too!
Since the weather has been so nice we have enjoyed doing ALL things outside! Trampoline jumps, swinging, going to the park, going to JSU events, playing ball and bike riding! honor of all things outside that we have been doing....I thought this week's
"Look back in time" should be............Alexis' first "big" bike ride with us!

Lily went on her first "big" ride this past weekend on the Ladiga Trail. Tyler had to take off the little license plate that said Alexis on it before we left since obviously Alexis is too big for the riding seat! :(
It made me sad when he took that off because that is yet another sign of my little girl growing up! It used to melt my heart to see her sitting in the bike chair hooked up with her little helmet on ready to go for a ride! It was adorable! is adorable too to see Lily sitting in the same seat...with the same helmet ready to go! We are in the process of trying to find a plate with Lily on it so we can put it on the back! :)

So the year was ~ 2009

We (when we were just a family of 3 still) loaded up on a beautiful Spring day and headed to Oak Mountain State Park (since we were living in Birmingham at this time) with our bikes in tow! We got everything ready and took a nice long stretch of a ride with Alexis tagging along! She did great...but on the way back......she was DONE! She cried for a good little while! I remember thinking...okay, we are not going to do this again for awhile...and just stick to the neighborhood like we had been doing! Overall we had a great time..she was just tired by the end and was ready for a nice long nap! Sweet memories that I will cherish forever!

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