Sunday, April 14, 2013

weekend recap!

We had a great weekend. Saturday was beautiful! We enjoyed Alexis' tee~ball game. They looked sooooo much better than last week. We still need to work on not tackling each other to get the ball at this coming up week's practice! Alexis didnt run to second base instead of 1st...but just one time this game also! SUCH an improvement! :) A very special moment to me was when Alexis hit the ball SO good...she ran to first so fast and because she hit it so good, the 1st base coach told her to keep going to second! Well, when she landed on second base...I was cheering for her, and holding up a "thumbs up" to her. Well, she looks over trying to find me and sees me doing the "thumbs up" and she did one back to me with the BIGGEST...most proud/happy smile on her face! I was one proud mommy!! :)
We met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi to celebrate Nan's birthday at Chilis in Gadsden that afternoon. It was so nice to sit out on their back deck over the water and eat. While we were eating we watched all of the girls and guys taking pictures for Prom out by the water. Alexis LOVED seeing all the pretty dresses. It was the highlight of her weekend no doubt!!
Today took a turn for rain that we were not expecting. Tyler and I enjoyed a "date day" together by eating lunch and doing some shopping while Gran had the girls! We didnt let a little rain stop us...even though we did have to cancel our bike ride together! When we got home...we enjoyed a great afternoon nap and then Daddy did a great fish fry for us! He is getting really good with his fryer. The catfish and homemade french fries were really good! The whole time we were eating...Alexis kept telling Tyler "Daddy, this fish is sooo good...Daddy it is good!" :) She ate every bite!!
I am off tomorrow to have a special day with Alexis! Us girls are going to enjoy a day together...along with her 5 year old check~up (with 4 shots) :( ......and then also registering her for kindergarten! OOOHHH.....yep it is that time already! {insert shockness/tears here!}

Beautiful girls!

This picture is PRICELESS to me! Just look at how Lily is looking at Alexis. This is the way it is ALL the time! Lily has to always see what her big sister is up to...and she is always right there doing everything that Alexis does! :)

This is the only way Lily would wear her sunglasses! :)

Lily LOVED chasing the ducks while we were waiting on our table!

And yes....we saw a Prom dress! OH all I can say! Even one of their Dads had on a camo shirt too that I saw as they were walking around taking pictures! Talk about something I thought I would never see....and hope I never see again! :)
Duck Dynasty is calling!! :)

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