Friday, April 26, 2013

Full of life!

We have had an eventful week this week with us still celebrating mine and Tyler's birthdays as well as our regular groove of events! It has been a great week!
This week has hit more of seeing the "terrible twos" kicking in with Lily! She has been throwing some fits this week like a champ! Laying on the floor...rolling back and forth...making this really funny face where she pokes her lower jaw out and shows her bottom teeth when she is sad or mad. It is a funny sight to see for sure! The other day Alexis says "Mommy, when is Lily going to stop saying "No" is starting to be annoying!"..........I keep telling is only a is only a phase! :)
Alexis came home yesterday saying...."Mommy this weekend...I would like Ella to come over and spend the night...and so what are you going to cook?" Can I say WHAT??!!! ha!
She then preceded to say..."Mommy, when Ella comes, where is her Mommy going to sleep? She can sleep with you in your bed!"
 I am thinking she doesnt quite understand the process of having friends over and them spending the night! ....but it is so cute that she asked! I dont even know what "age" it is that it is "okay" to spend the night with friends. I know that I would not really want Alexis to spend the night with any of her friends yet. Not that I dont think she would be okay, or that I dont want her being at her friends house....but she is just too little right now for that. Right?? Maybe in a couple of years she can start having friends over!
I am excited for when all of that starts happening...I have to say! I cant wait for the girls to have friends over and me make fun things for them to eat...etc! I cant wait for all of that! :)
Alexis wanted to make a tent to sleep under last night! She has made one one time before in the playroom. I was curious if she would stay under it all night...and she did then as well as last night! She asked me today if she could sleep under it again tonight!
We are looking forward to this weekend! It is supposed to rain...but I am hoping that it doesnt! We have WAY too many fun things going on, the town festival, softball games, playing at the park, grilling out with friends, and the Jacksonville Garden Club's dedication event that we were cordially invited to { talk about feeling 1st class! :) } Not to mention it is the last weekend for Turkey hunting {insert no tears here...well maybe Tyler is shedding a few!! :) } SO NO....I hope it doesnt rain!..but if it does we can still find fun things to do because HEY it is the weekend!! :)

Alexis and Lily on my birthday day! :)

I kept telling Lily to be still and smile so I could take her she took it upon herself to put herself in time~out! ha! about obviously getting alot of practice with this from school! :)
 What a cute little bottom though! :)

I bet you cant find Alexis! That is because she is in her "Magical hideout!"...where you have to say the password in order to come in! Tyler asked her what the magical password is....and she said "Daddy, the password is...Alexis is stinky!" well okay then.....  :)

Getting comfy to go to sleep.....

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