Sunday, April 21, 2013

Can you keep up!?

We had OH So much fun this weekend! Only in Alabama is one day 84 degrees and the very next day is 62!....then the next days are bright sunny and in the mid 70s! Well that is the way the past few days have been around here for us! Alexis' tee~ball game was cancelled yesterday because of the field conditions from all of the rain the week before and because it was COLD too! So Tyler and I enjoyed our day in Birmingham together by leaving a little bit sooner than we had planned. We went antiquing and to all of our favorites stores to shop before we went to the new Barons field to watch their game! It was a beautiful day...but it was so COLD! I dont know what some people at the game were thinking...or didnt check the weather...but they were crazy wearing shorts, t~shirts and flip flops! We didnt stay the whole game because we couldnt handle the coldness and because they were getting beat pretty bad! Alexis and Lily spent the afternoon with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi! Nan said they rode bikes, jumped on the trampoline, played ball...and just had alot of fun while we were gone!
Today was a beautiful Sunday! It was not too hot...and yet not too cold today! It was perfect weather to be outside! Our little family of four had a great family day together by riding the Ladiga Trail, playing at the park, playing outside and eating popsicles and church! We have had a great weekend!

While I was doing some cleaning...the girls were watching a movie. I looked in the living room checking on them...and I saw this! SOOOOO sweet!! :)

Us and the the new field! The field was very...very nice!

Church girls!

Me and my girls!

Getting ready to ride the Ladiga Trail! We rode 2 miles to a little lake and then turned around for the 2 mile ride back! Alexis did SO good! She didnt complain any the whole time! In fact....she told me that she was never ever going to get tired when I asked her if she was getting tired! ha!

Lily did SO well riding too! She didnt make a peep the whole time we rode. She just sat back and enjoyed the ride! At one point I rode beside Tyler...and it looked like she was about to fall asleep...but she never did!

I was SO hoping that the turtles were out at the lake when we made it there! I was so excited to see that yep the sure were! Alexis was amazed!! She counted 13 turtles! ...but it looked like there were more than that! :)

Right after this picture we were heading back to the park....and Alexis kind of ran off the trail and fell. She got a couple of little scratches...but she was a trooper! It was sooooo cute watching her little legs going as she was riding her bike! :) She rode a total of 4 miles on her bike and never once said she was tired...THEN came home and jumped on the trampoline for about an hour! How in the world could one little girl have that much energy! :)

Love making memories with my little family!!

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