Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy birthday to Daddy!

Even though it was unusually cold today for it to be almost the end of April.....and rainy for most of the day....Tyler said he had a great birthday! The girls and I surprised Daddy with a "Twizzler" cake! He is trying to get fit and everything for instead of a cake, I decided to do an original cake with one of his favorite kinds of candy....Twizzlers!! :) He was very surprised when he came home from work! The girls and I sang him happy birthday...and gave him his birthday gift! Alexis made him the best looking card! She worked so hard on it!
We met the "crew" at Effinas to eat dinner and finish celebrating his birthday!
We have had a low key week this week. It has been rainy so we havent been out much especially with tee~ball being cancelled because of rain...and tomorrow Alexis' game is cancelled because of all the rain we have had. We did get to enjoy a family bike ride yesterday afternoon since it was really nice outside! I pushed Lily in the stroller while Tyler and Alexis rode their bikes! Alexis is getting so good at riding her bike! Her little legs were just a pedaling! It was so cute to watch!
Tyler and I are celebrating our birthdays tomorrow by heading to Birmingham to spend the day and then a Barons game tomorrow night! I cant wait!! :)
Happy birthday Tyler! I love you with all my heart and I am so thankful for you! I love how our girls have a great role model to look up to with you! I love how the girls LOVE their Daddy! I hope you have enjoyed your special day!

Alexis worked so hard on her card to her Daddy!.......she was kind of sad that she forgot to put the "e" in her name!.....but she worked sooo hard to put all of the "dots" on all of the letters!

The original Twizzler cake! ..........I bet no one else has ever had such a cake! :)

Surprising Daddy! This picture is precious to me because of how Alexis and Lily are looking up at him! They love their Daddy! Makes my heart smile!

Daddy and his favorite girls before we left to go eat with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi!

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