Friday, April 5, 2013

First week in

Well, we are in the first week of what happens to be my MOST favorite month......because this month is my special month! :) I also have to share this month with..........Nan, Brandi ...........and Tyler! (but I dont mind ;) ) There is alot of birthday celebrating in April! You can tell Spring is in the air this week! Our cars have been covered with yellow pollen! So bad that some cars look completly yellow instead of whatever actual color it is! Even though I am glad that the rain has let up around did rain yesterday which was highly needed to wash the pollen away!
We have been up to our same routine this week as usual! Alexis got her Tee~ball uniform Tuesday at practice since her first game is tomorrow! I can NOT wait for her game! I am sooo excited! :)
So far us working on having no paci and cold milk is failing....but like I may be long and tough, but we will get there! :)
Wednesday us girls enjoyed having a "spur of the moment" dinner date with Becca, Walker and Lanee! We enjoyed talking/catching up with them while we ate at Momma Gs! YUM!
 I dont know if there is a full moon tonight or not...but today both little girls got in trouble at school. I walked Alexis' room to pick her up and I saw that she was standing in the corner in time~out. When I opened the door, she turned around and looked at me with an "oh no, I am in trouble" face. So, (in front of everyone)...I said "Alexis Kayte Law, why are you in time~out?!" Well, that embarrassed her (I guess) because she started crying. So I walk up to her and ask her again. Well, through her crying she said that Mr. Ethan asked her to clean up...and she didnt because she didnt want to so he put her in time~out. So I made her go over to him and apologize and tell him that next time he asks her to do something that she will. So we are out in the hallway...and she is still embarrassed...or sad..who knows...and is still crying. It didnt help that her friend Cooper yells out in the hallway that she is being a big baby. (he got in trouble for that) but she was. So...anyways, I tell Alexis to stand at the end of the hall and wait for me to get Lily. So....I go in Lily's room and is asking her teacher how she was today. (expecting a good report, like usual)....well she says Lily was put in time~out today too!!! I could NOT believe that both of them were bad today! (I hope there is a full moon!) Lily's teacher said that for about 30 minutes...everything she asked Lily to do...Lily would say no and run away! So the last thing the teacher asked Lily to do was sit down. Lily said "no" she then was put in time~out. OH little girls went to bed early for not being good at school today!  But, thank goodness it is now the long anticipated weekend and hopefully we will have a beautiful weekend (like the weatherman says)...and both girls are good all weekend!! Whoo hoo!!  :)

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