Thursday, April 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday~ Me and You Kid!

Well....tomorrow is a VERY...VERY special (all capital words!!) VERY SPECIAL birthday! Tomorrow is Daddy's birthday! He is now a "30 something!" So....for this week's "Look back in time".....I thought I would do Tyler and my birthday year! My big 31 is on Monday!
The year was 1982!
Tyler and I are 3 days apart! He was born on April 19, 1982 and I was born on April 22, 1982. We were both born in the same hospital! It is SO SO SO crazy to me that we were in the same the same time! Tyler's mom and my mom could have very well passed each other in the hallway of the hospital (not knowing each other then).....and never knew at that time....that their baby girl and baby boy would someday be married! That is SO crazy to me! :) It is amazing how God's path works! :)

So since he is older than me...even though I am soooo much wiser :)     I will do Tyler Ashley a baby! :)

Look at this sweet baby!................but OH look at how big that diaper is! :)

Look at that big boy! 

Such a cutie....and yep...he still has those beautiful blue eyes! :)

And now "For a look back in time" me....Amber Nicole Badgett.....  :)

Oh yeah...I was a chunk! :)

And everybody thought I was never going to grow hair! :)

This is a really blurry/bad picture.....of me....but I found this and thought Lily kind of looks a little like me in this picture!
~with Lana!

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