Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Girls Mommy!

A lady the other day commented on how precious and beautiful Lily and Alexis are. She then preceded to say that she thought I should have a sweet little boy to throw in the mix of my beautiful girls!
Well, once upon a time....I always wanted three kids. When I would play "house" as a child...I always had three children....and that wasnt hard.....or expensive! :) So no - we aren't trying for a boy or for a third.  I'm thanking God every day instead for blessing me with these two precious girls.....
                                  so my response to her was just a smile!
I know 100% if God would have given me boys - I would be in heaven being a BOY mom but I'm not going to lie - I absolutely love that I'm a Girl Mom.  God knows exactly what He is doing for each of us.  
          I love living in the land of princesses, dresses, sparkly shoes, dolls, lipgloss, big hairbows, fingernail polish,  dance parties, all things pink and ruffles....with a "splash" of "boy stuff"......such as jumping on the trampoline, playing tee~ball, bike rides, playing with toy cars, dirt, catching bugs (lady~bugs, fire~flies, and inch worms (only) ha!) and things blue (well aqua blue because us girls around here love that color too!) :) See I have the best of both worlds! :)

Alexis has been obsessed lately with a cute little show on the Disney channel called Sofia the First.
She is constantly dressing up as Sofia....and going around doing curtseys! It is precious to watch! And....of course....Lily is right there beside her with Princess attire on as well! :) Oh, yes...I love my girls!

Alexis LOVES that Princess Sofia's sister's name is Amber! (Just like you Mommy!!...she says every time! :) )
Princess Amber...Princess Sofia....and Prince James

Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her doing a curtsy like Princess Sofia does because she said Sofia has a dress just like this one she is wearing! :)

 Here my sweet girls are....well being sweet girls! :)

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