Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beautiful story!

I felt like I should share this beautiful story that I read about. Meet the Storch family. They went on a family trip to Colorado for a ski trip. minute they were posing for a family picture (all smiles...having so much fun on their trip), the next minute Taylor (their oldest daughter--13) went down the mountain and lost control and hit a tree. She was prononuced brain dead a few hours later.
I know what it is like for your life to change with a blink of an eye. Like me...they were in shock...just couldnt believe how their life changed so fast. Just like that their lives were changed forever with the huge loss of their daughter.
They were of course devastated at what happened to their sweet, beautiful, smart, loving daughter! 
Well, their story is so powerful and shows how you can use such a huge tragic loss through God to heal and "pay it forward" not sulk and give up on life because something "bad" happened to you, but to use the experience to grow closer to God...and their family.... and to make their awful experience into something that is beautiful and something that pleases God.
Even though several people couldnt really understand why they would want to have Taylor's organs donated (which blows my mind).....they decided that they wanted her death to mean something. They wanted her to "live on" through helping change other people's lives! They have started campaigns and organizations to help educate people on the greatness of organ donation. Through their work...they have gotten over 5,000 people to become organ donors! (and through their is growing!)
Taylor's organs went to several different people with all different walks of life and situations! Her heart went to a lady who had been waiting for a heart for a long time. She has two younger kids that she was wondering if she would be able to see them grow. Because of Taylor and her parents...she now has that opportunity! I just think it is SO amazing how organ donation works! It is something I decided a long time ago that I wanted to do whenever my time comes. I think it is a huge way of "living on"...and helping others!
Their story really hit my heart and it is something to think about with not giving up on life and sulking because something tragic happened...but "living on" and making that horrible experience into something beautiful...something meaningful!

The Storch family~ Taylor is the oldest on the left....

Todd and Tara Storch (with a picture of Taylor)....and Patricia ~ who received Taylor's heart!

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