Sunday, April 28, 2013

Nothin' like it!..

I am very thankful for the little answered prayer of NO rain yesterday! Yesterday was beautiful and the rain held off until late yesterday night!!....which was perfect!! We enjoyed our day for sure! Alexis had her tee~ball game..........and I do have to say...they are getting SO much better! For sure improving each game! I think Alexis is starting to enjoy it more also because she is starting to understand the game more!
The fabulous Misty and her boyfriend Brandon came over last night for one of Tyler's famous fish frys! We had a great time eating and hanging out with them for a little while! I am so thankful that Misty has met Brandon! They seem really great together...and Misty seems SO happy! I am so thankful for that because Misty is someone that is beautiful both inside and out and she truly deserves to be soooo happy! I am sooo excited for them! :)
Today could not have been more perfect too! It rained ALL day...and our little family did NOTHING all day!  We have enjoyed each other, taking naps, playing with toys, coloring, and watching a ton of movies all curled up under blankets while the calming rain poured outside with the slight rumble of thunder! Talk about sooo relaxing! Nothing better than having a beautiful sunny day that God made and then having a day where God says...."take it easy!" :)
Talk about a great weekend!

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